I asked my BFF what she wanted to do for her birthday. She said she wanted to check out the handmade holiday show. We went and it was sooooo packed. It was at a brewery and they were having a beer event promoting gingerbread beer the same day. (not a good idea) This started at 10 in the morning. Kinda crazy drinking beer at 10am but that's just my opinion.
The line was wrapped around the building. We walked around confused as to where the entrance was.
We finally found our way in. We could pass the line since we were just going to the handmade show. Here's a sign at the front entrance.
The inside was cool. Lots of barrels around.
The setup was not that great. Lots of people, jogging strollers, small aisles, conversations in the middle of the aisle, and people with beer samples splashing around on you. Not very fun.....annoying.
I saw these cute little handmade cactus'. There were a few people standing and chatting in the aisle blocking my view but I did manage to sneak a pic.
Some cute stuff.
More cute stuff.
K bought a VA ornament. It was cute. The event is a great idea but it really needs to be in a bigger spot to spread it all out.
We decided to go to The Dairy Bar for lunch.
I got a BLT on toasted wheat bread and fries. It came within minutes and it was gone within minutes. So delicious! :)
K got a egg salad sammich on toasted bread. She also got a cookies n cream milkshake. They serve blue bell ice cream. YUM Here's K's pic from instagram.
They have a cute Christmas tree decorated with ice cream cones. There's also a picture of cows dressed as people. It's a little creepy to me. haha

It was a fun day! I hope you enjoyed your birthday outings, BFF! :)
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