June 22, 2013

Garden Update: Day 120

My garden is still growing and all the plants seem to be very happy.  :)

I have several little squash growing on the plant.  I've only had one that was ready for harvest which we ate earlier this week.  I think I will probably have one or two ready next week.  Some are really tiny.  The squash I planted from seed 70 days ago.

I noticed today that I have some tomato flower blooms here and there on my big boy tomatoes.  Today is day 78 for them from seed.

My zucchini are still multiplying.  Do you see them?  Hint:  There's two on the plant.

I've drawn a red arrow so you can see where the little one is.  :)  It's really tiny.  haha  The bigger one will probably be ready for harvest next week sometime.  :)  These were grown with the squash from seed 70 days ago.

As I was checking things out this afternoon my Harley was watching from the back door.  He's in mid-meow.  :)  He wasn't feeling good yesterday.  :(  He's doing much better but he's really clingy today.  I can't leave the room without him by my side.  Poor kitty.

Stay tuned b/c tomorrow I plan on digging up my potatoes to see if they are ready for harvest.  The potatoes are on day 110 and I feel it's time to check them.  It's going to be exciting to see if there's any potatoes there and it will be more exciting if there's actually potatoes in there.  I'm also going to see if any of the carrots are ready to be pulled.

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