August 9, 2015

Toddler Lunches

Last week, I brought all my lunches and snacks to work.  I was good all week.  I call my lunches toddler lunches because they are kinda like a toddler lunch.  haha


Salad, poppyseed dressing, strawberries, cucumbers, and some shredded cheese, bacon bits, and chopped pecans.

My breakfast and bar, pb, banana, grapes, reduced fat mozzarella string cheese, garden toms, and monster mix.


Watermelon, yellow jubilee toms, hard boiled egg, reduced fat wheat thins and reduced fat mozz string cheese.

My breakfast and bar, monster mix, banana, pb, strawberries and grapes.


watermelon, reduced fat mozz string cheese, hard boiled egg, reduced fat wheat thins, grapes, and sugar free pudding.

My breakfast and bar, banana, pb, strawberries, monster mix and some fruit loops.


watermelon, 2 hard boiled eggs, strawberries, reduced fat wheat thins, and extra white sharp cheddar cheese.

My breakfast and bar, monster mix, banana, pb, and sugar free pudding.


3 turkey sausage links, hard boiled egg, strawberries, yellow plum, extra white sharp cheddar cheese, and reduced fat wheat thins.

My breakfast and bar, pb, monster mix, reduced fat honey graham crackers, sugar free pudding, and cashews which I didn't eat.

I love my toddler lunches.  haha  :)

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