May 4, 2014

Produce Stand: Visit 8

I stopped off at my favorite produce stand (C&T) one day last week for visit 7.  I wanted some fresh asparagus but they didn't have any so I left.   :(

Today, I had a bunch of errands to do.

Trash Dump

I stopped off at the produce stand to get my veggies I wanted for the week.  I love going there and today they had quite a few customers.  :)

Here's my haul!  I spent $23 and some change on everything.  I got strawberries, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, squash, 1 red bell pepper, 2 green bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, a greenhouse tomato, basil plant and an eggplant plant.

They had strawberries!!!!!!!!!  I overheard a worker telling someone that these are the first berries of the season and they were all saved from the heavy rains we got this past week.

The green pepper to the left in picture is so huge.  I wished you could really see how big it is....or well was.  I already cooked it up as I write this blog.  :)  There were so many seeds in that guy.  I'm going to do an experiment with it this week.

I love cherry tomatoes.  I take a bunch to work to snack on.  :) 

Eggplant  :)

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