March 8, 2015

Another party....

Some friends of ours had a birthday party for their now 2 year old.  We went yesterday after my mom's party.  There was lots of food to eat.  Nuggets from Chick-fil-a, fruit, veggies, chips and salsa, sammiches, cookies, brownies, meatballs and of course cake and ice cream.

Here's C opening her gifts with her parents.

Then it was time for cake.

Birthday girl wanting her mommy.

Birthday girl eating her cake.

E made a friend.  This is K.  They shared cake.  It was adorable.  They were both very nice to each other.  :)

When K finished, E got all the cake.  She ate with a tiny spoon that went to a toy tea set.

E playing with her uncle Nate.  She loves him.

Nate with a silly hat on.

The girls playing with their stickers.

Happy Birthday Charlie!

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