May 31, 2010

A good read....

I heard about this book and became curious. I wanted to know what Osama's first wife and his son went through. I learned a lot by reading this book. And I think Jean Sasson says it just right to those who might oppose this book...... "As a person of enormous curiosity, my life experiences have taught me that discord often erupts from a lack of knowledge and education. To discourage future dark moments, I believe we must nourish the minds of our young with learning that creates understanding between ethnic and religious groups".

One of the most shocking parts I read was about all the Poppy plants in Afghanistan "His goal was to send as many hard drugs to the United States as possible so that America's money would flow to Afghanistan while America's youth will be ruined by becoming addicted to the drug heroin".

I'm glad to be an American!!! I just couldn't imagine growing up in that sort of culture.

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