March 5, 2013

Re-Grow your own onion

I figured since I started re-growing celery that I would try with an onion as well.  Why not right??  I found this blog on pinterest that showed me how to re-grow an onion.  :)

I needed an onion for dinner.  So, I took out a medium yellow cooking onion and cut off the end then prepped the rest of the onion for the dish.

I took most of the peel off of the onion root.

I put some soil in a small plastic cup.  I placed the onion on top (root down) and covered with soil.

Then I noticed the cup had a crack so I put the dirt and onion root in a small bowl.

Once inside,  put the onion in the kitchen window sill and gave it a drink of water.
We'll see if the onion grows.  :)

Oh yes, I saved the onion peels and onion ends.  I read that you can make your own organic bug repellent with onion scraps.  To read an extensive list on how to make your own organic sprays for your garden, check out this blog.

UPDATE:  4/6:  I thew out the onion.  It didn't grow at all.  I don't think I cut enough of the onion scrap or maybe I should have had it grown in water for a while before putting it in soil.  We'll see.  I'm going to try again.  The onion scraps, I threw away because mold was forming and it smelled really bad.  GROSS

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