February 27, 2012

New Things Monday

I came across a cute Whoopie Pie kit from Pillsbury one day while out getting groceries. You do know what a whoopie pie is don't you? If not here is the wikipedia link. :) I first heard the name Whoopie Pie when Kristen and I went to Dover, Delaware on a girls weekend. Kristen told me when she was little her family would go to Dover and stalk the Amish. That's pretty much what we did when we went too. haha Anyways, Kristen's family went to a farmers market type place and they would always get a Whoopie Pie among many other fresh Amish Baked goods. Fast forward to adult hood.....Whoopie Pies seem to be new trend. Kristen has made all sorts of delicious whoopie pies. You can make what ever flavor you want.......Pumpkin, Chocolate Chip, Red Velvet, Chocolate etc.

I picked up a whoopie pie kit box and thought I'd try em' out and see if they taste close to the ones from scratch. :)

You mix and bake them according to the directions on the box. Once they are cool you put icing on one half and match it up to a top that's close in size. You can then add sprinkles all around. I wasn't a fan of the sprinkles. So, I did a few with the sprinkles and left the others plain.

They turned out pretty cute. They were good too. It was like a little chocolate cake. I liked them! :) If you don't have time or all of the ingredients to make them from scratch, the box mix is just as great in my opinion.

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