June 11, 2012

Garden Progress- Day 51


I've updated my deck/patio garden today.  I went to Lowes and got better soil.  I got Miracle grow soil this time that is made for container plants.  The last time, I went to Lowe's I got some generic soil and I asked the employee if it was good for container plants even though it said on the bag that it was 'in ground use'.  He said that didn't matter.  I said okay and got the cheap stuff.  Well I feel it does matter with just seeing the results of it with my plants..  It just stayed watery and stinky.  Not a fan of it.  So, I got new fresh soil.  I immediately, dumped the red pot soil  (carefully removed pepper plant) and put fresh new soil in the pot for the red pepper plant.  :)  I need more tho.  I only got 2 small bags (I couldn't lift the big bag) and the red pot took one whole bag.  I want to replant the green pot too.  Anyways......Do you see the other new additions?

Brightly colored flowers like Zinna's (above) are suppose help with pollination for the pepper plants.  Hopefully, some bees will come around and help out.  :)  I need to get a bigger pot for the flowers.  (eventually)  I'm not too concerned about it right now.  It's a pretty healthy plant.  :)

I also got this sweet basil plant a few weeks ago from a friend at work.  He had extra and I got the last one. It was sitting in a red solo cup in a window but I felt he needed to be re-potted and added to the deck/patio garden.  :)

I also bought a new green pepper plant from Lowe's while I was there today.  He seems to be really healthy, so if my other one completely dies then I have this guy to replace him.

This is my red bell pepper plant.  I was saddened b/c a lot of the leaves fell off yesterday morning and evening.  I hope now that he has clean, fresh soil that he will get better.  I also added epsom salts to the water today while watering the pepper plants.  I also sprinkled some epsom salts on top.  I don't know if that's good or bad but I did it.  We'll most likely get some rain tonight and tomorrow so I figured if there were epsom salts then they would dissolve with the rain.

This is the green pepper plant.  See how sad it looks?  :(   Today, is day 39 of this plant.

 At least my tomatoes are doing good.  :)

Tomatoes.  :)

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