June 27, 2011

New Things Monday

Featuring.....Pure Silk Almond Milk. We got the unsweetened kind. Laura got this for the Visalis party last week to make samples with and there was some leftover in the fridge so I poured myself a glass. Okay really I just drank out of the carton and finished it off. LOL It's not like I drank it and put it back in the fridge. :P

They also have original, vanilla and chocolate. (I wonder how the chocolate taste)???
Since I tried the unsweetened one, it tastes just like milk with a little taste of almond. It's smooth and creamy. It's really good and I would def buy this again and again.
Another good thing.....almonds are good for your heart so it's a win win. I've heard many people talk about almond milk so I knew I had to try it and I'm really glad I did. I def want to try the chocolate one. I bet it's like drinking a melted Hershey bar with almonds. :) MMMMMM

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