February 8, 2015

2015 Garden Update- #4

Yesterday, I had a garden update and well today I have another.  :)

I decided it was time to get rid of the cups that didn't have any sprouts, and the ones that were moldy and smelly.  I also re-potted some sprouts.

Here's an close-up of a sprout.  :)

Here's the little mini greenhouses I got from the dollar tree.  I only got one sprout (green bean) out of all of these.  I don't know if I over watered or what but they contained moisture and they smelled so bad.  Time to go.

Here's with the lid off.  Not good.  I won't get these again.

Here's some of the seedlings/sprouts I re-potted today.  As an extra touch....I added in some dinosaurs (I got them from the dollar spot at Target).  I added them to my garden just because they bring in some color and awesomeness.  Plus, dinosaurs are cool.  :)

I have a squash sprout in each clear cup.  I will probably repot the sprouts next weekend.  The plastic containers have holes in the bottom for drainage.  I also have each pot sitting in a squared, Medifast tray.  (I have a bunch of trays leftover and found a new use for them).

Sunflowers and Marigolds

Green Bean Sprout, Carrots and Broccoli

Happy Sprouts!  :)

Oh, I don't think I ever shared my other 2 succulents I got from the dollar tree.  All 3, look adorable in the kitchen window.  :)


  1. Yay for the sprouts. Your faux succulents are cute -- nice if you don't care to bother with growing them.

    I buy lots of goodies for gardening at Dollar Tree too. I bought the jersey gloves and some biscuit/brownie pans that will hold 6 of the little plastic pots. I hate it when little pots are turning over everywhere.

  2. Thanks for reading Jean! :)

    Good idea. The Dollar tree has some great things on the cheap.
