November 17, 2012

Rock Swap 2012

A couple weeks ago my sister, Ashley invited Nate and I to a rock swap.  She knew we had rocks just sitting around the house and figured we'd like to make some extra money selling them.  We gathered up our things and headed down to Richmond to the Rock Swap.

The rock swap was free to participate in.  They just asked for a item donation that the rock/gem club could auction off later.

Ashley did this show last year with her husband, Daniel selling shark teeth.  Daniel had to work so Ashley met us and sold some shark teeth.  I really liked the chossils she made to sell which are chocolate shark teeth.  They are awesome!  :)

Here's my raw amethyst I found over the years at Morefield Gem Mine.  I let a few little kids take a piece for free just to see their smiling, excited faces.  :)

My mom gave us some of her gems that she's had stored away for years.  She'd gotten them off the Jewelry Television channel.

Here's some more gems we sold for my mom.

We made a few bucks and some extra money for my mom.  We decided to pack up at 1pm and head somewhere for lunch.  Ashley suggested Plaza Azteca.  It's a Mexican Restaurant.  It was delicious.  :)

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