On Sunday, I was invited to an Elderberry Syrup Workshop. I had heard about it but I wanted to know more. Elderberries are a natural immune booster and this time of year with colds and the flu going you need something a little extra to help you.
It was a small group of women. Some couldn’t make it because of the snow we had. I learned a lot, met some nice ladies and had some fun.
I also tried a brownie that was made with beans. What? And it did indeed taste like a brownie.
(Recipe for the brownies: Puree a can of black beans, and add it to any boxed/ or homemade brownie mix. You can add two drops of peppermint essential oil if you’d like. If you want you could use a gluten free box or the immaculate brand of brownie mix because it has less sugar, etc. Or in your homemade brownie mix you can use Gluten Free flour instead of regular flour. The black beans take place of the liquids and egg used).
Here’s Rachel telling us where to purchase the Elderberries and Echinacea. (I’ve linked it for you if you’re interested).
We watched Rachel and Cat (the hosts) make the syrup. It’s only 6 ingredients and you know what exactly is in it.
The 6 ingredients:
- Elderberries
- Echincacea
- Ginger root
- Cinnamon sticks
- Distilled Water
- Raw Honey
After the syrup was made and cooled the honey was then added. The syrup was put into jars. We all got to take a jar home.
Here’s my jar.
I tried it yesterday morning with my husband. I will be honest and say that I had water ready to go just in case. haha It was so good. All I tasted was honey. I’m going to be sure to take a spoonful every day and see how I do.
Here’s the link to the blog where the Elderberry Syrup recipe was taken from.
During the workshop we also talked about different teas, and other concoctions you can make with apple cider vinegar. We even learned about activated charcoal. Who knew all this existed? Natural remedies are the way to go.
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