After the Farmers Market this morning I made a quick stop at Lowes to see if they had any leftover seed packs. They didn't have any. :( So, I went to the reduced plant section and saw a Meyer Lemon tree!!! It was half price at $12.49. I couldn't resist so I grabbed it and thought I would give it TLC and hopefully it will give me lemons. :) We'll see and I'll keep you updated.
Here's the lemon tree.
I also found this yellow gerbera daisy plant that was $3 and also begging for some love so I took it home.
My tomato plant was looking horrible. I decided it was time to chuck it. I picked off all the tomatoes. Ripened or not.
I also harvested a grape tomato.
I swept the porch up and cleaned off the dead leaves on the plants. I also re-potted the lemon tree and gerbera daisy plant. Then I gave some of the plants some fresh soil on top and watered everyone.

Here's a squash growing....
Here's a zuke. There's 2 tiny ones and then this big one. It should be ready in a few days.
Here's my pie pumpkin plant. They did spring back up (YAY) and it seems to be happy being outside.
I'm excited b/c the flowers are growing! I can't wait to see the female/male flowers. The female flowers will have the little pumpkins behind them.
Here's the jack pumpkins. They are doing well too. They have a lot flowers as well.
Here's the lemon tree freshly potted and cleaned up. The tree loves to be in the full sun so the back deck is perfect for it. It the temp gets below 40 degrees it will need to come inside. I won't need to worry about that until late fall.
The gerbera daisies all tucked into their new home.
So simple yet, so pretty. :)
Potato Plants
I took the tomato stalk and dumped it in my little compost pile or what I call a compost pile. It's just where I put dead things and let them finish dying off. This is where I eventually want to build my green house. :)
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