Since, I did an update on my outside container garden yesterday I figured I would give you an update on my inside garden. :)
Here's my lovely and healthy plants. Red bell peppers, Yellow Petite peppers, Pie Pumpkins and Jack Pumpkins.
The Red bells are doing great. I've loss count on how many I have on there. I can't wait for them to turn red and to harvest them. I love sweet bell peppers! Today is Day 104 of growth. This plant started as a starter plant I picked up from Walmart towards the end of April. Time sure does fly by. :)
Here's the tiniest one. :) I didn't think the plant would produce anymore since there's a bunch on it but it looks like it's still making peppers. :)

Here's my yellow petite peppers. I need to harvest these soon. :) Day 20 since I saved them from Lowe's.
Here's my pumpkins! :) I started them from seeds from last years pumpkins. Today is Day 39 for them.
Look at the big leaves. :)
This is the pie pumpkin plant up close.
Little flowers forming. :) I just read that pumpkins plants have male flowers and female flowers. Once flowers are opened they need to pollinate so you get the pumpkins. It said you can pollinate by hand or have bees pollinate them. :)
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