May 25, 2013

Strawberry Picking at the Farm

The plan today was to have a lazy day but I woke up this morning with an idea to go pick farm fresh strawberries.  I went to Millers Farms.  It was so beautiful outside today.  Sunshine, in the 60's and breezy.

Cute sign telling you where to go to pick your own berries.

Near the patch is a little red shed where you get a bucket or tray and then you find a row that's not busy and start picking.

Here's my bucket with a few berries I found.

Yummy ripe berries...

Rows....It was nice and peaceful finding berries.  I could hear the 17 year cicadas humming off in the tree lines.  There were several families with little kids picking berries for the first time.  One mom ate a strawberry  and her little boy said "Mommy they have pesticides".  She didn't say anything and continued picking berries.   I overheard a father from another group tell his little girl to pick the berries that glistened in the sunshine.  And then there was a little girl named Lydia who's mommy told her she found all the best berries in the patch.  How cute?  :)  All these moms and dads were making wonderful good memories for their little kids.  #adorable  :)

My bucket filling up quickly.  I might have eaten a berry or two.  ;)  I love picking berries.  When I was little my parents would take my siblings and I to the farm to pick berries.  It was always a lot of fun picking and eating the berries.  :)  #Ihadanawesomechildhood

Here's an unripened white strawberry.  One day it will be ready for someone to enjoy.

I walked all the way down to the end of the row and then back up another row, picking ripe berries along the way.  The strawberry patch is across the street from the main house and the market.

Strawberry plants.

These berries were pink.  Photo op!  :)

Once I was satisfied with the amount of berries I went to the red shed where I was recognized by the farmer.  He remembered me from coming there for the pumpkin, strawberry, and pie classes I took with friends.  He told me with a big smile that there was plenty of ice cream for sale in the shop from Trickling Springs Creamery that goes great with the berries.  haha

Here's my basket of berries.  :)

The pick your own berries were $2.50 a pound.  I had about 4lbs of berries.  Once I got my berries weighed I went across the street to the market.  It was busy!  Tons of people buying stuff.  

Here's some beautiful flowers for sale.

Wagon wheel

I bought a bundle of asparagus too.  I couldn't resist.  It was $4 per bundle.  I love fresh asparagus!

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