April 29, 2010
April 28, 2010
Eclair Cake
My MIL makes this cake called an Eclair Cake. It's really good! I thought I'd go ahead and give it a try today! :)
You need, 2 small packages of instant jello pudding, (I used cheesecake, but you can use Vanilla, French Vanilla or even Chocolate or Pistachio....whatever you want) milk for the pudding, Small container of whipped topping, Graham crackers, Chocolate frosting. Make the pudding according to the directions. For the cheesecake pudding, mix 4 cups of milk for 2 small packages, beat with whisk then refrigerate for 5 min to set.This is optional but I frosted the bottom layer of graham crackers for more chocolate. Love chocolate! :)
Layer pudding mix on top of bottom Graham crackers, then more graham crackers, more pudding mix then top off with chocolate frosted graham crackers. Cover and put in fridge.
If you leave in the fridge for 24 hours it will be better set. I couldn't wait to dig in tho. :)
April 22, 2010
Easy Peach Cobbler
I had some frozen peaches and thought I could make a peach cobbler. On the package of peaches it had an easy peach cobbler recipe. I had all the ingredients on hand so I went ahead and made it.
1 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1 Tbsp. Nutmeg
2-3 cups peaches
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1/4 cup butter
In the same small bowl combine 1/2 sugar, flour, egg and butter. (the directions actually tell you to melt the butter and drizzle over the crumb topping but I decided to just mix the butter in the crumb mix b/c it all will get mixed anyway right)? Mix until it forms a crumb-like mixture. Pour over the peaches. (Oh I doubled my crust batter so I would have enough to cover entire dish)
April 19, 2010
Chicken Lasagna....
The other day when I made Lasagna, I made way too many lasagna noodles. I wrapped them up real tight and put them in the fridge and figured I would save for later. Today, I thought about how I could use the lasagna noodles. I figured I would make Chicken lasagna. No, I've never made chicken lasagna but I thought I could use the same process as regular meat lasagna. I ran into bloom and got some chicken and cheese. I thought about using cream of chicken soup for the sauce. I didn't want to use red sauce. (not that kind of red sauce K) I went down the spice isle and found a 4 cheese mix like the one I use for my alfredo. I thought I could totally use that!!
80's movie day....
Kristen hosted a 80's movie day yesterday at her house. It was fun!! Sharon, Melissa, Ashley, Kristen and myself had lots of fun!! :) We watched 'Say anything' first, then best parts of 'Mannequin', next up was 'Sixteen Candles', then parts of 'Top Gun'. It was a fun day!!!!
My carebear!! I brought along to sit out with Kristen's my child, cabbage patch doll and her carebear.
April 18, 2010
Harley and the bear....
I have this stuffed animal from build a bear that I made many years ago. It says "I love you" and Harley HATES it with a passion.
April 17, 2010
Fun Saturday
I went to IKEA today with my friend Kristen! We were on a mission to get a paper roll. The paper roll is for an upcoming project. Kristen had her own shopping list. She wanted to check out the area rugs, mirrors and curtains. She didn't like any of the ones IKEA had so she wasn't able to get it. She did however find a really cute cupcake apron. So, she got that. It is perfect for her future cupcake shop. :)
How cute is this apron?? There were also dish towels but the apron was too cute to resist.
After our fun trip to Northern Virginia....we stopped in at party city and got some stuff for the LOST party. Then made a trip to Lowe's and World Market.
Later on, we took a 15 min road trip to Ferry Farm and Kristen had a walk down memory lane. We saw her childhood home, garage where she first made out with a boy and then saw her old church. :) It was a fun day with my best friend!
April 14, 2010
Nate's mom makes really good lasagna. Last time she made it, I watched her step by step and got her recipe so I could make it. Well today, I decided to make it!
Cook the meat, I also added some onion to the meat....
Once noodles are done and drained layer some into your pan. Then add meat, cheese, sauce and start the process over again.
April 12, 2010
Kitty Rug
My MIL, Linda brought over a rug that she no longer needs. We put it down under the kitchen table to see what it would look like. It looks very nice and matches the colors we have in our living room. The only weird thing is Harley and Lizzie are both obsessed with the rug. It's like catnip to them. I can't get Harley to leave it. I even filled his food bowl and he didn't move. And anyone who knows him knows he loves his food. He's a true Miller. LOL I think the kitties both approve of the new rug. :)
April 11, 2010
So, last night I'm on my laptop and all of a sudden my computer stopped working. I had this bad feeling that I'd lost all of my photos, all of my radio commercials, psa's, promos, air checks etc that I had done. This morning, Nate went to best buy and got some device to put my hard drive in and he recovered all of my things and he picked up a new laptop for me. :)
So, Nate's family came over today for a late Easter dinner.
For snacks while dinner was cooking I had Wegman's pepperoni, Muenster cheese, townhouse crackers, fresh pineapple and fresh strawberries.
For dinner I made BBQ pork chops, crescent rolls, applesauce, and bacon asparagus. Linda brought potato salad. Everyone loved everything. And the bacon asparagus was awesome!!!!!!!!
Last night, I made a sheepy cake. Just a white cake mix baked in a sheep shaped pan. It was perfect or at least before the icing. That didn't turn out too well. haha Feel free to laugh at the pictures, and please call me up if you ever want a sheepy cake. haha :)
April 7, 2010
FXBG Photo Show....
I've made a decision to participate in the Fredericksburg Photography show this June. Nate entered it years ago and one of his pictures placed at the top. I love taking pictures and I have a few that I think will be perfect for the show. :)
Here are some of my pictures that I plan to enter into the contest:
Easter 2010
My friend Sharon and her husband Joe invited us (as well as John Blaze and the Anderls') to have Easter dinner with them. We didn't have any plans so we were in! I made a small turkey breast that morning and Kristen brought Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream cheese frosting.
When we got to Sharon's....Sharon was busy in the kitchen making deviled eggs. She added bacon bits to the deviled mix. So good!!!! We also got some chips and salsa out and put a plate out of muenster cheese and real pepperoni. Oh so good!! I don't think I've ever had muenster cheese before. It was so good. And real pepperoni is much better than packaged. Sharon then prepared bacon wrapped asparagus. OMG!!!! Soooooooooooooooooooo good!!! We all loved it and I think every piece was gone before she was done making the next batch. LOL
Farmville Fun....
This past Saturday, Kristen, Ashley and I took a little road trip to good ol' Farmville, VA. Before Farmville we stopped in at the Brickhouse diner for a hearty breakfast. I got the Bigboy Waffle combo. It's Belgium Waffles, Scrambled eggs, bacon and grits. YUMMO!!! :)
We did go into a shop called Amish Originals. They make a lot of their furniture in Holmes County, Ohio. We told them about my husband having relatives (Amish and English) in the Ohio area. The owner, Carol immediately had to check an ancestor website to see if there was any relation. Come to find out the owners mom, who is Amish is my father-in-laws 3rd cousin. How cool!! :) When we left I laughed and said "See you at Thanksgiving" and they laughed. :)
We found a little Amish/Mennonite deli down the road and had lunch. It was a cute little shop. I got Birch Beer to drink with my lunch. Very good root beer! :)